
PikaZoo - for our paws

Animals are not just our friends, they are also important teachers of life. They live for small details and it is the simplest little moments with their owners that make animals the most happy. They show their happiness sincerely and do not know how to hide their sadness and when they feel offended. Animals stand by our side and get us excited about outdoor activities even during the most rainy days. 

Tosama wishes to take care of the whole family with personal-care and hygiene products. We are aware of the fact that animals are very important family members, therefore, we created a special line of products for them: PikaZoo.

Highly absorbent home protection training pads – sizes S, M, L 

Are you still laying paper around the apartment when your dog pees? Is your female dog or cat in heat? What do you lay on the floor of your parrot’s cage to catch droppings? Are you looking for a comfortable bedding for your python’s terrarium during shedding time? 

PikaZoo pads are pleasant to the touch, their highly absorbent surface and waterproof foil at the bottom will prevent liquid from spilling on the floor or other surfaces. Special feature of the pads are wide regulating channels that enable fluids to be quickly distributed.

Dry wipes – 2 different sizes 

Rainy days, dirty paws, wet and muddy fur can make joint life in an apartment pretty hard. Dirty towels for wiping paws are usually washed separately, leaving the washing machine half empty frequently, which is not very good for housekeeping, nor is it environment-friendly. Tosama developed dry wipes that are highly absorbent and dry your pet’s fur quickly. You can moisten the wipes and gently clean dirty ears, snout, and eyes as well as remove dust and dirt from the fur. 

Biodegradable dog and cat waste bags 

Picking up pet waste with a plastic bag only makes nature look better but it does not really benefit her. Tosama decided to include biodegradable pet waste bags in the PikaZoo line of products. Bags open easily, they are big enough to protect your hands form dirt, and their dark colour prevents everyone from knowing what your pet ate yesterday and what the consistency of their stool is today when waste bin is still far away.

Moist wipes – 2 different sizes and 2 different fragrances 

Cleaning your pet will be nicer, gentler, and easier with PikaZoo moist wipes. The use of PikaZoo moist wipes will make paws, fur, and snout clean all the time. They are a great solution for pets who hate baths. 

They come in handy when traveling or just on a walk where there is no water nearby and you want to clean your pet.

Cotton Swabs 

Cotton swabs are convenient for cleaning wrinkles, the outer part of the ear or for applying different types of liquids/ointments to the more sensitive areas of the animal. Never use chopsticks to drill deeply into the ear, as you can injure the animal.